Do you want to influence the success of efforts toward alleviating the root causes of poverty in our region?  Do you want your voice to be heard by those in power?  Consider joining other like-minded neighbors on the Interfaith Alliance on Poverty’s Advocacy Action Team.

We can use your help with any or all of the following:

  • Join in discussions with partner organizations on strategies and actions

  • Help research effective approaches to improving the lives of our most vulnerable citizens

  • Provide oral or written testimony on important initiatives

  • Communicate action opportunities to your faith community

  • Follow a government or non-profit agency working on current issues around systemic poverty.

If you wish to join us, please contact Tom Hering, or Erik Anderson,

Our Strategy:

We of the Advocacy Action Team coordinate our efforts with other organizations who share our mission of seeking solutions to mitigate the injustices of poverty. Our primary goal focuses on the challenges in our neighborhoods and cities, but we also follow larger state and national issues and become engaged when appropriate. 

Our Processes: 

We meet every third Friday of the month to educate ourselves on potential issues to support and to discuss various strategies. Our actions involve sending letters, providing public comment and testimony, attending City meetings, advocating at the State Legislature and informing congregations in the Interfaith Alliance on Poverty of our actions for their own advocacy. 

In the recent past we have supported: 

  • State Tenant Protection Bill SB608 

  • State House Bill 2001 requiring cities of 10,000 or more to allow duplexes on lands previously zoned only for single family dwellings 

  • State House Bill 5201 increasing revenue for affordable housing 

  • Portland Street Response Program which changes the way 911 calls involving homeless are handled 

  • Metro Bond 26-199 which funds affordable housing 

  • Metro Tax Measure 26-210 which funds supportive housing services to reduce homelessness 

  • Measure 102, an amendment to the State Constitution which allows local governments to finance affordable housing with nonprofits 

  • Hygiene4All, a program to bring hygiene and sanitation to the homeless 

  • Changing Portland zoning rules to remove barriers for faith institutions wanting to develop affordable housing 

Current Interfaith Alliance on Poverty Advocacy Goals:  

  1. Increase knowledge of and advocate for vetted policies on shelter-to-housing continuum. 

  2. Continue to provide support and activism for Portland metro houseless initiatives when needed. 

  3. Support Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) community challenges, issues and policies that address racism.

  4. Broaden network and support of partners engaged in working to end root out causes of systemic poverty.

The organizations we currently follow include: 

Criteria for Selecting a Topic for Advocacy: 

Our action team asks four questions to decide if a topic is appropriate for our advocacy efforts. These are: 

  1. Is it a cause, rather than a symptom of poverty?

  2. Does it provide an opportunity for success in a reasonable amount of time? 

  3. Is there potential for partnering with others who bring expertise and experience? 

  4. Does the issue fit with our faith communities’ overall missions and interests? 

If you are interested in volunteering and becoming part of the Advocacy and Policy action team, please contact Tom Hering,